House plans for sale

Please Note:  WE DO NOT sell House plans online (Off the shelf) for the following reasons:

  1. No single house plan fits all vacant stands, especially the larger houses over 200sqm
  2. You need a registered architectural professional to submit your plan to council thus incurring additional costs
  3. You need to attach all sewer pipe diagrams  from the bathrooms to the municipal connection which a professional must do
  4. You need to match the orientation of the house (N,S,E,W) with the energy use calculations required by council for the house (These calculations cannot be sold with off the shelf plans)
  5. We believe a home is a personal thing, the layout and the style of the  house must suit you as an individual or family, it must be a reflection of who you are. Architectural professionals are trained to do this. Put your trust in one near you.